
My Work with Allison

삼척감자 2024. 7. 5. 07:11

The event that led me to register as a member of the JCC Metrowest in West Orange, New Jersey, and ultimately meet Allison was a horrible car accident. I had been retrieving something from the trunk of my parked car when a speeding car swerved into the line of parked cars along the narrow street and crushed my body between two cars. My legs were crushed.


After a long hospital stay and intensive rehabilitation, I ended up with an amputated left leg and a right leg with severe nerve and muscle damage after the bones, broken in eight places, were patched together. My life was confined to a wheelchair for many months. I finally progressed to learning how to use a rudimentary prosthetic leg and was able to walk, though very slowly and awkwardly, with the aid of a walker. My body bent forward over the walker, and I moved like an old man. I could go up and down stairs only with a stair lifter. I thought this was it; this would be it for the rest of my life. I gave up hope of ever walking without a walker. I tried to persuade myself that I was happy to be walking with a walker, that at least I was not confined to a wheelchair. I dared not hope for more.


My wife, however, dared to hope. After many arguments with me, she succeeded in persuading me to get personal training at the JCC. There, I met Allison, my personal trainer.


At first, Allison recommended I exercise with the stationary bike and work on some strength training equipment to make my muscles stronger. A few months later, Allison advised me that I had become strong enough to move up from the walker to walking with two forearm crutches, which would provide increased mobility and flexibility of movement. I followed her advice. I could feel my body had become much stronger, and I was able to do things that were unthinkable before I began working with Allison. Allison also advised me to exercise with the arc trainer and the stair stepper to increase my endurance. The first time I tried the arc trainer, I could do it only for 5 minutes. She continued to urge me to do it longer and longer. Now I can do it for 25 minutes.


One day Allison said, “Give me one crutch and walk with only one.” I replied, “No, I can’t.” “Why?” she asked. I said, “It’s dangerous,” and she said, “That’s not a good reason to refuse.” She would not take no for an answer. I had no choice but to follow her order. The first time with only one crutch, I walked 10 yards, but the distance increased week by week. Allison kept pushing me, and I was getting stronger.


The same thing happened again a few months later. “Mr. Kim, give me both crutches and walk without crutches.” “No, I can’t.” “Why?” “I am scared.” “That’s not a proper reason. Just try it. I know you can do it.” That first day without crutches, I walked about 30 or 40 yards. Everybody in the gym applauded to see me walking without crutches.


Today, I walked 8 laps (half a mile) of the indoor track without a pause, without crutches. According to Allison’s advice, I also recently ordered an upgraded prosthesis that will allow me to walk on hilly terrain, hike, and play golf. Now I allow myself to dream of life without crutches, walking 4 miles at a stretch, and enjoying golf in the very near future.


I could not have gotten to this point without Allison constantly pushing me to work harder even when I thought I could not, to push myself even beyond my own hopes. I know my dream will come true with Allison. I will always be thankful to her for giving me this guidance.


(Written in 2007)

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