
After Facing Off with a Squirrel

삼척감자 2024. 7. 4. 10:20

Around our house, squirrels are the most commonly noticeable animals. As autumn deepens, almost every time I open the window, I can see squirrels digging the ground and hiding acorns. When I observe a squirrel running, it dashes here and there, taking a few steps in one direction and then in another, as if participating in a race. However, after a few steps, it stops abruptly, looks around for no apparent reason, and sometimes shows off some tricks. It seems to be conscious of an unseen audience, perhaps deluding itself into thinking it's a popular dancer. Despite lacking wings, when it climbs up and down tall trees or swiftly moves from one tree to another, it appears as if it's flying in the sky.


In some cultural contexts, squirrels are associated with the devil. For example, in China, squirrels were considered supernatural beings, and in Western folklore, squirrels were believed to be connected to the underworld. However, most people think of squirrels as cute, lovely creatures that are friendly to humans. As someone who frequently sees squirrels up close, they seem almost as adorable as their body size due to their large tails. However, their faces resemble mice, and despite living close to humans, they often appear indifferent, almost like ignoring us as if they were wild animals. Even when seen up close, they simply stare at me without showing any signs of fear. The way they look at me during those moments, with faces resembling mischievous demons seen in paintings, can be both eerie and grotesque.


A few days ago, while returning home from an outing, I witnessed a squirrel trying to invade our home by slipping through the iron fence right next to our front door. Engaging in a bit of mischief, I exclaimed, "You! You're trying to invade the garden, aren't you? Quickly, get out!" as I pushed it away with my ever-present walking stick. However, instead of running away, it clung tightly to the fence with all four legs. When I tried to push it away forcefully, it firmly held onto my walking stick with its four legs and did not let go. Even when I shook the stick, it didn't attempt to escape but bared its teeth, chirping menacingly, seemingly ready to engage in a battle. It looked as if it would take advantage of the situation and attack me with a dreadful weapon, given that it perceived me, a creature brandishing a terrifying tool, as a life-threatening adversary. As I started vigorously shaking the walking stick, it eventually fell off, but rather than fleeing, it continued to stare at me from a close distance with a defiant attitude. I eventually gave up, thinking, "Do whatever you want." In its eyes, I must have appeared as a terrifying creature wielding a dangerous weapon, ready to attack like a wild animal. Yet, it all began as a playful encounter, and it's only natural that I couldn't handle something I initiated as a joke.


This morning, when I opened the blinds, I saw a squirrel diligently digging the ground outside the window. It seemed like it was burying acorns for winter storage. Observing it continuously wagging its tail while surveying the surroundings, I couldn't help but think of its cuteness. However, before appreciating its adorable tail, I recalled the squirrel from a few days ago, which had displayed an assertive and fierce disposition, as if challenging me. For a while, whenever I encounter squirrels, my eyes might be drawn more to their teeth-baring expressions rather than their cute tails.

Seeing a squirrel up close that previously appeared cute from a distance, one might notice mouse-like features, demonic faces, or distinctive characteristics, pointing out flaws that weren't apparent before. This phenomenon is not unique to squirrels but can be compared to people. The proverb "Even a close friend should not be approached too closely" serves as a warning that too much proximity can reveal each other's flaws, leading to conflicts or dislike. The Talmud states, "A friend is like a coal." A friend warms you when kept at an appropriate distance, but if you get too close, you get burned. Reflecting on these sayings, contemplating a squirrel's antics may be an exaggerated analogy, yet it serves as a reminder to maintain a certain distance when observing others up close.


(September 25, 2023)

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