Recipe for making Baechu Kimchi (Korean Cabbage Kimchi) in English:
(1) 1 medium head of napa cabbage (배추)
(2) 1/2 radish (무), cut into matchsticks
(3) 1 & 1/2 cup sea salt (소금)
(4) 3 or 4 cloveses of garlic (마늘)
(5) 1/4 of Medium Size Onion (양파)
(6) 1/4 tablespoon minced ginger (생강)
(7) 1/4 of apple (사과)
(8) 2 tablespoons fish sauce (생선액젓)
(9) 1/3 or 1/2 cup of Korean red hot pepper powder (고춧가루)
(10) 3 Scallions (파), cut into 1-inch pieces
- Prepare the cabbage: Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters and remove the cores. Then cut each quarter into 2-inch-wide strips.
- Salt the cabbage: Place about 1/4 of the shredded cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle evenly with salt. Add the rest of the shredded cabbage, about 1/4 of the way through, and sprinkle with salt. Let it sit for 2-3 hours, Halfway through salting, toss the sliced cabbage once. Taste the cabbage at the end of salting and add more salt if it's necessary. And rinse and drain water thoroughly 2 or 3 times. (But don't squeeze the water too tightly)
- Make the paste: Combine ingredients (4) through (8) on the list in a blender and blend to form a paste.
- Mix the vegetables: In a large bowl, combine the cabbage, radish, hot pepper powder and scallions. Add the paste and toss until everything is evenly coated. Taste the mixture and add more fish sauce or salt, if necessary)
- Ferment: Pack the kimchi into a clean jar, pressing down to remove air bubbles. Leave some space at the top and seal the jar. Let it sit at room temperature for 1-2 days, then refrigerate. The kimchi will continue to ferment and develop flavor over time.
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